Friday 22 April 2022



It is quite a pity that the present day Church has lost bearing with God's priorities. The essence of praise in our worship is for doing God's pleasure, release His presence, inspire the praisers and to also trigger divine power supernatural manifestations. Today, we have secularized the spiritual through our carnal innovations.

In the days of Tabernacle worship in the Old Testament, the temple musicians and instrumentalists were only selected from the tribe of Levi. They must be sanctified and be wholly dedicated to the Lord II Chronicles 5:11,12; 20:21,22). 

The Gospel truth is that God does not just accept or respond positively to any song of praise He looks beyond our physical presence and efforts into our innermost part (I Samuel 2:3). Therefore, most of our highly esteemed praise-worship sessions are meant to give us entertainment and pleasure, but to God, they are mere noise-making because the singers and instrumentalists themselves are not keeping the standards required from them (Amos 5:21,23).

Gone we're the days when the singers and instrumentalists would take time to fast and pray with thourough heart-searching prior to any special musical program. More so, in the days of revival in the churches in Nigeria (between 1970s and 1980s), most of the local churches and fellowship groups in higher institutions were only used to clapping their hands during praise-worship and yet, the presence and power of God we're always very real with great manifestations; unlike the present days when we are used to highly gifted singers, sophisticated musical equipments and sound systems without divine unction. The fact is that we cannot serve God better nor do His work to His taste until we go back to His standards.

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